First Eucharist Preparation
DearSecond Grade Religious Education Families,
Please use these materials to prepare for your child's First Eucharist. Be sure to complete all segments including the worksheets which must be returned to Saint Edna Class Reviews and the retreat as shown in each section below. Please contact us with any questions or needs.
We look forward to celebrating with you!
There are 8 chapters to complete in God’s Gift Eucharist.
Chapter 1-Belonging
Chapter 2- Gathering
Chapter 3 - Reflecting
Chapter 4 - Listening
Chapter 5 - Preparing
Chapter 6 - Remembering
Chapter 7 -Receiving
Chapter 8 -Journeying
The worksheets for Chapters 1-4 will be collected by the facilitators at the class review on March 11. The worksheets for Chapters 5-8 will be collected at the First Communion Retreat on April 5. All worksheets must be completed and returned to either the class facilitator or emailed to or dropped in the parish office, attention Louise Dickey. Failure to do so may mean your child may not participate in the First Communion Mass.
Chapter 1 - Belonging
Review the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit
Explain we are baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity
Talk about the importance of Baptism
Connect sacraments of initiation to belonging to the Church
Identify how they will receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist
define Baptism, Holy Trinity, Confirmation, Eucharist, Holy Communion, Mass (found in chapter as well as in glossary
at back of book)
If you wish, you can complete the Choice Activities, Megaphone (Worksheet A)
Watch That Catholic Show (5:08)
Chapter 2 - Gathering
Discuss how King David welcomed the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem
Describe how we honor the Lord’s Day
Explain God’s presence at the Mass
Identify the Eucharist as God’s special presence with us at Mass
Discuss how we participate in the Introductory Rites at Mass
Complete Learning Enforcement Sheet N to turn in at class review March 12
Please scroll down to find the needed worksheet
Watch Sacraments 101: Eucharist (4:45)
Chapter 3 - Reflecting
Discuss God’s appearance to Moses in the burning bush
Explain God’s presence makes Church a holy place
Explain we begin to worhsip by asking for God’s mercy
define mercy; worksheet God’s Mercy (sheet C)
talk about the Gloria as a song of praise
Ask you child ways in which they might praise God daily
Recall ways in which we prepare to celebrate God’s presence at Mass
Chapter 4- Listening
Tell your child the parable of the Sower and the Seed
Explain how this teaches us to listen to God’s Word
Name parts of the Liturgy
Define Creed, Gospel, Homily, New Testament, Old Testament, psalms, Sacred Scripture
Complete Learning Enforcement sheet O to turn in at class review March 12
Please scroll down to find the needed worksheet
Watch video on Liturgy of the Word (6:24)
Chapter 5- Preparing
Explain the Parable of Loaves and Fishes
Identify Jesus’ promise to give himself as spiritual food
Describe the Presentation and Preparation of Gifts
Define blessing and sacrifice
Explain that the Bread and Wine represent all that we offer to God
What deeds show love for others
Watch Jesus Feeds Five Thousand (2:09)
Chapter 6 - Remembering
Talk about the Last Supper
Discuss the connections between the Last Supper and celebration of the Eucharist
Identify the Eucharist as the Body and Blood of Christ
Define the Last Supper
define Consecration, Eucharist Prayer
Watch Kids Explain the Holy Eucharist (4:29)
Complete Learning Enforcement sheet P to turn in at class review April 9
Please scroll down to find the needed worksheet
Chapter 7 - Receiving
Describe how early Christians gathered to remember Jesus
Talk about the significance of the Lord’s Prayer- Our Father
How do we receive Holy Communion
Define chalice, host
Create a personal prayer to say after receiving Holy Communion
Explain how Holy Communion unites us with all members of the Church
Complete the worksheet, We Pray to Our Father (sheet H)
Watch Kids Explain First Communion (2:00)
Chapter 8 - Journeying
Talk about the scripture, the disciples encounter Jesus on the Road to Emmaus
Make a connection between the above scripture and our encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist
Describe Concluding Rites of Mass
define grace
Explain the importance of receiving Holy Communion often
Complete Learning Enforcement sheet Q to turn in at the First Communion Retreat, April 13
Please scroll down to find the needed worksheet
Watch Catholic Mass Kid’s Trivia Game (2:56)